What does this mean? He says the gold will never be seen again, likely. I
guess this is all supposed to be secret.
On Tuesday, 11 March 2014, Stefan Lemieszewski <[email protected]> wrote:
> http://www.24hgold.com/english/news-gold-silver-ukraine-s-gold-reserves-said-being-flown-to-new-york-fed.aspx?article=5278746704H11690&redirect=false&contributor=Chris+Powell
> Hong Kong-based fund manager William Kaye today tells King World News that
> Ukraine today airlifted its gold reserves, 33 tons, to New York, presumably
> for vaulting at the Federal Reserve Bank of New York -- and probably not to
> be seen again any sooner than they'd be if the Russian army had marched
> into Kiev to "protect" the gold before it was flown off.
> Maybe the Ukrainian gold will constitute the New York Fed's next shipment
> to the German Bundesbank in Frankfurt in the great international game of
> golden musical chairs.
> An excerpt from the interview is posted at the King World News blog here:
> http://kingworldnews.com/kingworldnews/KWN_Da...2014/3/10_Di...
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