letters and the paper

From: Orysia Tracz ([email protected])
Date: Tue Mar 11 2014 - 03:08:43 EST

The time change must be affecting me - it's 3 A.M. and I'm up. Had written a letter to the Winnipeg Free Press on an opinion piece. I realize they sometime have to edit, but the result makes me sound almost illiterate. Here is my original letter and the paper's version.
 Dear Editor:
 Re Don Marks’ “Maybe the Hitler analogy isn’t so wrong” (March 7)
 Don Marks writes: “But we lose our argument when we compare anyone to Hitler, so Putin's rationale for sending troops into the Crimea to ‘protect the interests of Russian-speaking citizens there’ is nothing like Hitler's takeover of the Sudetenland in Czechoslovakia because `mostly German-speaking people lived there’."

  Orysia Tracz
 Hitler, Putin parallels valid
 Re: Maybe the Hitler analogy isn't so wrong, March 7.

 At least now the world knows that Ukraine and Russia are two separate nations.

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