Re: [politics] Re: yulia's $$ - UK banks in row over Yulia Tymoshenko 'millions'

From: Pavlo Ivanchenko ([email protected])
Date: Mon Mar 10 2014 - 19:12:40 EST

Perhaps the best solution would be for her to buy a one way ticket out of
Ukraine along with her wheelchair and never to come back.


*Tymoshenko "Is Just Putin in a Skirt"*

The outsized reach of the oligarchs was apparent to many as soon as
Yanukovych was ousted and the "new" interim government began forming. The *New
York Times* acknowledged this in an article by Andrew Higgins from Kiev on
February 24, entitled "Ukrainian Protesters See Too Many Familiar Faces in
Parliament After Revolution."

Early in his piece, Higgins quotes "Irina Nikanchuk, a 25-year-old
economist," whom he interviewed on the street outside the Parliament
building in Kiev, as expressing the disgust widely felt by many Ukranians
at the makeup of the interim government:

Waving a banner calling for early elections to a new Parliament, she
[Nikanchuk] cursed members of Parliament and opposition politicians like
Yulia V. Tymoshenko who have so far become the principal beneficiaries of a
revolution driven by passions on the street and bubbled with disgust at
Ukraine's entire political elite.

Parliament has moved swiftly since Mr. Yanukovych's flight on Saturday to
restore a semblance of normal government, endorsing interim ministers and
giving expanded powers to its new speaker, Oleksandr V. Turchynov, an ally
of Ms. Tymoshenko, empowering him to carry out the duties of the president
until a new presidential election is held in May....

"We need new people who can say no to the oligarchs, not just the old
faces," said Ms. Nikanchuk, referring to the wealthy billionaires who
control blocks of votes in the Parliament but who, with a few exceptions,
hedged their bets until the end about which side to support in a violent
struggle that left more than 80 protesters dead between Mr. Yanukovych and
his opponents.

"Tymoshenko is just Putin in a skirt," she added, comparing the former
prime minister and, until Saturday, jailed opposition leader with the
Russian president, Vladimir V. Putin.

Golitsyn is probably the most important Soviet defector ever to have
reached the West. The reason for this is that he revealed the details of a
long-range deception strategy of which the West previously had no
knowledge. When debriefed, he emphasized, as he has done ever since, that
because of his background of working within the "inner KGB" -- a
super-secret strategic planning department of which not even ordinary KGB
officers were aware -- he was uniquely qualified to inform the West about
Soviet strategy. One of the superficial criticisms frequently made about
Golitsyn is that he has been "out of the loop" since defecting to Finland
with his wife and daughter in 1961, so how could he possibly know what was
going on? People who say this reveal a failure to understand Golitsyn's
significance, and what he has to offer the West.

In summary, Golitsyn's importance is that, unlike all other defectors,
Golitsyn discusses and elaborates upon Soviet *strategy.* By contrast,
defectors like Oleg Gordievsky discuss mundane matters concerning the
manner of their "escape" from the Soviet Union, perhaps revealing valuable
operational information in order to gain the confidence of (in Gordievsky's
case) Britain's MI6, before inserting strategic disinformation in their
output. Golitsyn is different. He has spent his years in the West
explaining patiently that the Soviets follow Leninist strategic principles,
and are engaged in a deadly long-term war against the West. The Soviet
revolutionaries have followed Lenin's advice to "work by other means."

On Mon, Mar 10, 2014 at 3:44 PM, Stefan Lemieszewski <[email protected]>wrote:

> Is that why the new CabMins from the Batkivschyna/Yatseniuk/Tymoshenko
> party aren't clamouring for London banksters to return the loot from
> Ukraine? (a rhetorical question). Tymoshenko has become just as bad as
> Khodorkovsky as playing her "victim card." Better she get some new PR
> specialists for another image makeover. The wheelchair simply didn't work.
> Stefan Lemieszewski
> --
> Independent
> 10Mar2014
> *Exclusive: UK banks in row over Yulia Tymoshenko 'millions'*
> [ . . . ]
> Prominent UK banks are at the centre of a dispute over allegations that
> numerous foreign accounts were set up in the name of former Ukrainian Prime
> Minister Yulia Tymoshenko and her family.
> A leaked report, seen by The Independent, claims that 85 bank accounts
> containing millions of pounds were linked to Ms Tymoshenko and relatives.
> This global review of Ms Tymoshenko's finances was carried out as part of
> a wider investigation by Lawrence Graham, the London law firm, which was
> commissioned last March by the then-Ukrainian Ministry of Revenues and
> Duties of toppled president Viktor Yanukovich to trace assets allegedly
> misappropriated by the former prime minister.
> The investigation done for Lawrence Graham reviewed 278 bank accounts in
> 26 countries and claimed that Ms Tymoshenko or her family were either
> beneficiaries or signatories to accounts which included a number of UK
> banks although it says these are now closed. The report claimed that 13
> bank accounts in countries all over the world remain open.
> [ . . ]
> ===================
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Anubis
> Sent: Monday, March 10, 2014 3:03 PM
> To: politics
> Subject: [politics] yulia's $$

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