Re: [politics] In Ukraine's Crimea armed men seize another airport - 10Mar2014

From: Pavlo Ivanchenko ([email protected])
Date: Sun Mar 09 2014 - 18:52:10 EST

And what is the Ukrainian military and procurator general doing about this?
Unmasked armed gunmen bearing no insignias or flags or coats of arms of any
nation state raid airports and key installations at will and the government
in Kyiv sits on its thumb up its a**.


On Sun, Mar 9, 2014 at 1:12 PM, Stefan Lemieszewski <[email protected]> wrote:

> Kiev: An armed pro-Russian force wearing military uniforms bearing no
> designated markings sealed off another military airport in Ukraine's Crimea
> on Sunday, a defence ministry spokesman on the peninsula said.
> The 80 or so-strong group, who were supporting 50 civilians, blocked off
> the entrance to the airport near the village of Saki and established
> machine-gun posts along the landing strip, the spokesman, Vladislav
> Seleznyov, told Reuters by telephone.
> The civilian group, who were wielding sticks and clubs, sought to break
> into the airport's control terminal, he said.
> [ . . . ]
> ==========

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