When does "passive/active resistance" become "do-nothingism"?

From: [email protected]
Date: Sun Mar 09 2014 - 11:24:20 EST

Just a question with no easy answer. Like many others I watched some
of the Shevchenko festivities on the Maidan. Patriotic speeches,
recitations etc.. occasionally interspersed with "calls to action". I
was most impressed with the speech of one of the commanders of the
Maidan, who, while recognizing the terrible state in which the
Yanukovich kleptocracy had left the armed forces (along with
everything else) pointed out that the current government (including
the Minister of Defence) were not even doing the minimal that they
could to maintain morale or indicate a clear vision of what to do. He
asked for people to phone the blocked personnel in the Crimea with
their encouragements, and to make private arrangements to get food etc
to them. The government was doing absolutely nothing here. He also
warned that further inaction and indifference would not go
unnoticed... Similar complaints were also voiced by either a Crimean
Tatar or someone strongly sympathizing with them.

The strange silence concerning obvious small things they could do
(substituting political speeches and emotional guarantees of
"indivisibility etc.. but nothing concrete) just gives opportunity for
the issue of secret deals and Molotov-Ribbentrop II to resurface. Like

And if the inaction (even verbal where it counts) re the Crimea is
juxtaposed to the similar silence and inaction re the Luhanske issue
(maybe the Kharkiv accommodation with Kernes too), one really begins
to wonder: is that where all this is heading? Goodbye to the Crimea
in return for the rest of Ukraine to integrate the EU (perhaps with
Putin releasing the Donbas as well, or not...)??
That was not Parubij's notion yesterday when he talked about "the
Crimean dream". But Parubij is not the government. Yatseniuk and
Turchynov are plus the serpentarium.

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