Given the problems that InfoUkes is facing as described in this post, is this in any way related to the fact that some posts are not making it through to the Politics list?
On Sat, Mar 8, 2014 at 15:38, [email protected] <[email protected]="mailto:[email protected]">> wrote:
I am in the process of installing a new firewall for InfoUkes
With all the different type of internet attacks we have been experiencing we have been working on a new firewall. We build them from the bottom up as commercial firewalls are mostly manufactured in China and they are compromised on the factory floor to allow access to Chinese security services thru back doors. It appears Russian security services have either been given or have stollen info on these back doors. Thus have never trusted them.
There have been reported issues on connectivity issues to our site though any content has ever been compromised.
Our present firewall has served us well but the new one will serve us better. It will be the latest / greatest defences.
There may be a disruption in various servers as we work the bugs out. I suspect they will be far and few between but I am not arrogant enough to realize mistakes/flaws may exist. I am not perfect.
I will pass announcements in advance of when I try the cross-over to the new firewall & webservers. Expect them soon.
Also our new web servers will be also be transformed to newer hardware & software. I will warn in advance. The servers are basically ready and just need to throw the switch per domain.
New content is on the horizon for InfoUkes -- just not released -- have been a busy beaver. :) Riding many horses -- just not the ones of the apocalypse ;)
Including a new page on the Russian 3rd Empire including references to information warfare. Been collecting materials for years. Possibly an online coffebook on Putin. :) very complimentary to his real personality :)
Will keep you informed.
There are not enough hours in the day. :)
InfoUkes Inc. Gerald William Kokodyniak
Suite 185, 3044 Bloor Street West Webmaster InfoUkes Inc.
Etobicoke, Ontario [email protected]
Canada M8X 2Y8
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