RE: [politics] media

From: E. Ladna ([email protected])
Date: Sat Mar 08 2014 - 11:55:07 EST

Nothing wrong with being informed, but I think the focus, at this time,
should be more than this.


We should pay more attention to:


1. Translation of parts of great articles, statements, and facts (at
least into English) for use in our various responses as well as in responses
of the others.

2. Writing letters to media (papers, magazines, radio stations, TV
stations, etc.) based on such factual information.

3. Being present on social media (especially Facebook and Twitter)
that is not strictly Ukrainian and disseminating such information to

4. Requesting support of non-Ukrainians and asking them to write to
their members of parliament, presidents, and prime-ministers.

5. Writing letters (ourselves) to major players in the world
(government officials, statesmen, prominent people, etc.).




From: [email protected] [mailto:[email protected]]
Sent: March 8, 2014 11:01 AM
To: [email protected]
Subject: Re: [politics] media


You are absolutely correct Orysiu. This particular "Group" seems to have
degenerated into a self-righteous "navel-gazing" consortium. Many of their
"Re-" sendings are eminently immediately deletable since they really add no
information to the original communication to which they refer.
Ostap Hawaleshka

At Sat, 8 Mar 2014 09:21:40 -0600, Orysia Tracz wrote:

all the posts on infoukes are to and from the members of the group

how about all the wise pundits here writing to the papers, to the online
sites - informing, correcting, lambasting the letters to the editors and the


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