Re: [politics] Nice video of diaspora demonstrating in Washington

From: [email protected]
Date: Fri Mar 07 2014 - 10:32:40 EST

The actual sinking of the the old Soviet era cruiser was up the
coast in Crimea.

The Ukrainian Navy reportedly has 7 vessels at Novoozerne, Crimea.

If you look at the following map:,+Crimea,+Ukraine&hl=en&ll=45.360348,33.089447&spn=0.110365,0.264187&sll=45.32222,33.381958&sspn=0.883505,2.113495&oq=novoozerne,+crimea&gl=ca&hnear=Novoozerne,+Crimea,+Ukraine&t=m&z=13

You can see there is a narrow entrance, thus the weak link in the chain.

The Russians do not use that inlet for their Navy.

Olena Boyko wrote:
> Agree but both actions are needed. Also, this may be heresy, but it =
> only confuses thje press and outsiders and stirs up more anger in =
> Eastern Ukraine when there are the red/black flags present in diaspora =
> demonstration. It is divisive, not unifying and we all need to stay on =
> message. I do not mean this obseravtion to demean the sacrifices it =
> represents. Being called a nationalist has a negative image in today's =
> media so let us all be UKRAINIAN PATRIOTS.=20
> Any more info that yesterday Russia sunk one of its old ships to block =
> the harbor entrance to Sevastopol and the ship Moskva is moving into =
> position?=20
> ----- Original Message -----=20
> From: Pavlo Ivanchenko=20
> To: [email protected]=20
> Sent: Friday, March 07, 2014 8:36 AM
> Subject: Re: [politics] Nice video of diaspora demonstrating in =
> Washington
> I hate to say this and I don't care who it hurts or offends but =
> peaceful demonstrations are not enough and it is past that. Time to act =
> assertively.
> PI
> On Thu, Mar 6, 2014 at 6:37 PM, Francine Ponomarenko =
> <[email protected]> wrote:

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