Re: [politics] Passports

From: Pavlo Ivanchenko ([email protected])
Date: Fri Mar 07 2014 - 08:22:49 EST

Any confirmation that Yanukovych was responsible for this or was it in
collaboration with Putin and other forces? This is the start of
infiltration of the country so as to start mayhem and provoke instability.
Putin has realized that it will be costly to wage an overt war choosing
instead to destroy from within. The SBU and local police had better
recognize this and act on it. I am sure the locals will point them out very
quickly. Time to be vigilant. Some president.

On Fri, Mar 7, 2014 at 4:49 AM, Bohdan Wynnyckyj <[email protected]>wrote:

> This was reported yesterday by Euromaidan pr:
> "Yanukovich issued 20 000 Ukrainian passports for Russian citizens and
> among them 5000 Ukrainian passports to Russian FSB agents.
> Russian extremists and FSB agents can travel to Ukraine as "Ukrainian"
> citizens. All passports issued at different time and at different places,
> but all of them have the same serial number. Notification of the Ukrainian
> border police will be made soon."
> If true it would explain how so many Russian thugs all of a sudden became
> Ukrainian demonstrators.

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