Kissinger on Charlie Rose about Ukraine

From: [email protected]
Date: Thu Mar 06 2014 - 18:07:33 EST

I just finished watching Kissinger discussing Putin & Ukraine on Charlie Rose on PBS

The episode is already online:

Kissinger seemed more on the ball and clarified some of the positions in his article. He made more sense there.

The interview was 45 minutes long and thus had more time to discuss his positions & views.

One prominernt thing he said is that "he never met a single Russian that did not think that Ukrainians belong to Russia and that territory of Ukraine should belong to Russia". In essence it is ingrained.

He clarified his position of what he meant with regards to a more neutral position of Ukraine.

I still did not believe every position but he seemed more reasonable than the article.

InfoUkes Inc. Gerald William Kokodyniak
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