Re: [politics] kissinger

From: [email protected]
Date: Thu Mar 06 2014 - 16:34:26 EST

I read that article this morning. Was not very impressed.

Kissinger also assuming that Russia would negotiate rationally --
it never has -- it wants, it takes. It does not treat Ukraine
as a fellow state, it considers Ukrainians to be sub-humans,
always has and always will.

Ukraine never was on a level playing field with Russia.

If Ukraine took his advice, Ukraine will be conquered from
border to border within the year.

Ukraine will not survive on its own except if it stops listening
to all other countries and becomes a military super power, becomes
a nuclear state again, and that is not the nature of a Ukrainian.
Thus the Ukrainian historical delema. Ukraine needs to bloody
Putin so at least he thinks twice before pulling stunts like

Kissinger was an asshole for recommending Ukraine be blocked
from NATO 7 years ago and he continues to be one with his current
position. But then, he may want Ukraine to return to it's
subservient position under Russia because what he suggests
would mean Ukraine's demise. For a former National Security
Advisor he is sure out of touch. I trust Brezhinski's judgement
a hell of alot more than I do his.

[email protected] wrote:
> Quoting Anubis <[email protected]>:
> >
> So he thinks Khrushchev was Ukrainian? (:=))
> That's only one of many little pearls in his op.
> Reminds me of Kravchuk in some strange ways. Trying to ride many
> horses simultaneously.

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