Re: [politics] Is Yanukovich still alive?

From: [email protected]
Date: Thu Mar 06 2014 - 13:34:21 EST

I agree with your assessment. Yanukovych's days are numbered
and he will have a heart attack some late night.

It would be helpful if Yushchenko, Tymoshenko, Kuchma and
Kravchuk enlighten the general populous what occurs when
people go visit the Kremlin -- is it a polite conversation,
is he a thug, does he make threats or does he try to wheel
and deal?

The more this is exposed, the better other foreign leaders
understand how Putin operates with Ukrainians. It also will
limit how this guy operates.

Any new leaders should never meet Putin in private without
3-5 witnesses from the Ukrainian side. This gansterism off
the record method of operation needs to stop.

The new government if they want to gain faith will release any
documents of the December 17th summit and other such meetings
Yanukovych had with Putin in the last 6-12 months -- we all
suspect that there are secret protocols/agreements/understandings

Bohdan Wynnyckyj wrote:
> The answer to another question may lead to an answer to your question. The
> other question is: "Does Yanukovych provide Putin with any strategic
> purpose or usefulness at this time?" Because if Putin has no more useful
> purpose for him, you can bet he's sleeping with the fishes. Yanuk knows
> (knew) too much. It would be dangerous to keep him alive and talking.
> Over the years, Putin has been pretty efficient at murdering people who he
> deems to be a danger to his power and authority. Such people are not safe
> anywhere in the world, much less within Russia.
> 2014-03-06 12:11 GMT-05:00 <[email protected]>:
> >
> > rosiyskoji-storoni-po-dokazi-togo-scho-yanukovich-jiviy.html
> >

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