EU Sanctions and Mistral Class Amphibious Assault ship

From: [email protected]
Date: Thu Mar 06 2014 - 09:07:19 EST

Russia is in the process of rebuilding it's armed forces.

The one area the Soviet Union & Russia dropped the ball was Aircraft Carriers and amphibious assault carriers (muti-use carriers).

They bought two Mistral-class amphbious assault ships from France and they will be building an additional two in St. Peterburg. In essence these ships are half aircraft carrier and half amphibious assult ship -- very similar to American Tarawa-class & Wasp-class & America-class amphibious assault ships.

The design is French and the first vessels manufactured for Russia in France are scheduled to be delivered (Russian ship Vladisvosktok) November 2014 & (Russian ship Sevastopol) 2015. They also are selling the designs to Russia so they can produce an additional 2 or more vessels in a shipyard in St. Petersburg.

These vessels have only one distinct purpose and that is to invade foreign countries by sea, i.e. projection of power in remote coastal countries.

Why I mention it, is that if EU sanctions are applied they should freeze delivery of such vessels and stop transfer of technology to Russia pertaining to military hardware. That has more relevance than freezing assets of oligarchs which they should do.

Here is more detail about the vessels:

Mistral-class amphibious assault ship

InfoUkes Inc. Gerald William Kokodyniak
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Etobicoke, Ontario [email protected]
Canada M8X 2Y8

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