RE: [politics] Secret deal?

From: Orysia Tracz ([email protected])
Date: Thu Mar 06 2014 - 08:38:07 EST

so what ID will be needed to "vote"? will anyone really monitor?

> Date: Thu, 6 Mar 2014 06:40:57 -0600
> From: [email protected]
> To: [email protected]
> Subject: [politics] Secret deal?
> Is Datsyuk just an irrelevant hothead or spot on?
> He claims that Russia and the West have concluded a behind the scenes
> deal: Russia gets the Crimea and the rest of Ukraine can join Europe...
> Everything else is smoke and mirrors.
> Like all conspiracy theories this one has some plausibilities. But
> there are also a number of internal inconsistencies in this scenario.
> My view at the moment is that Datsyuk is full of you know what. But I
> don't know what exactly motivates his frustration.
> In any case, the Tatars are not happy, and the Crimean putschists are
> moving very fast along with Russia. Today they have accelerated their
> "referendum" to 16 March and even gone way beyond it, already
> considering the Crimea as a part of Russia never mind the referendum,
> and Ukraine as an occupier. Putin and co. are playing right along.
> They might even annex before the referendum. This in itself suggests
> there is no "secret deal", yet....

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