Zuzak GRC Report; March 05, 2014

From: William Zuzak ([email protected])
Date: Wed Mar 05 2014 - 01:13:23 EST

Dear Infoukes:


To access my GRC Report for 05Mar2014 archived at http://www.willzuzak.ca ,
please click one of the links below:




Of particular concern this month are the attempts to deligitimize Ukraine's
independence by constantly referring to the Maidan demonstrators as
Banderites, Nazis, fascists, etc. and to demonize Oleh Tyahnybok, the
Svoboda party, the Right Sector, etc.. The response of Ukrainians (in
Ukraine and especially the Diaspora) to this defamation has been woefully
inadequate. The lectures of Ivan Patrylyak titled "Relations between OUN-UPA
and Germany
<http://www.willzuzak.ca/cl/videolinks/patrylyak20121217cdvrua.html> "
provide a very detailed account of the Ukrainian Independence Movement from
the 1930's until the end of World War Two. (
http://www.willzuzak.ca/cl/videolinks/patrylyak20121217cdvrua.html ) I
would ask readers to (1) listen to these lectures and/or read the
English-language translations; (2) make appropriate short notes; and (3)
respond appropriately to such disinformation.


Respectfully submitted

Will Zuzak; 2014.03.05



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