Funny how Yulka does not even hold political office or any government post
yet is welcomed by Putin. Did she roll in to meet him sitting in her wheel
chair or walk on her two feet? In any case she is also discredited and
should not bother running for office. In the meantime time to get house in
order and re-organize the oblasts, regions and get the nation back on track.
On Tue, Mar 4, 2014 at 7:06 AM, <[email protected]> wrote:
> Is the only Ukrainian politician Putin is willing to talk with.... Yulka?
> At his press conference he rejected everybody including potential winners
> of the pending Ukrainian Presidential election... except Yulka.
> Doesn't do much for Yulka does it? Might get her some votes in the far
> east of Ukraine, and guarantee her loss over all.
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