Re: [politics] Piers Morgan with Fareed Zakaria & Stephen Cohen

From: Bohdan Wynnyckyj ([email protected])
Date: Tue Mar 04 2014 - 11:06:20 EST

There was a very heated exchange with Cohen and a Ukrainian professor a few
weeks ago where the Ukrainian expert clearly rattled and got under Cohen's
skin. Cohen actually started taking personal shots at the guy when he
started to loose the arguement. I think it was on CNN as well, but I can't
recall for sure. The Ukrainian basically said Cohen had no idea what he
was talking about and presented facts to back up his counter-argument
(which is the same one Cohen always uses....that the Maidan was the work of
Ukrainian fascists and extremists, yada yada yada). If someone locates it
please share it. We should all be writing CNN and demand that if they
insist on having Cohen on to give his views, there must a credible person
alongside to provide a counterpoint.

On Tue, Mar 4, 2014 at 10:45 AM, <[email protected]> wrote:

> This was the other program on CNN I saw Stephen Cohen -- Piers Morgan with
> Fareed Zakaria.
> Fareed Zakaria spoke well. The segment with Stephen Cohen was edited out.
> Stephen Cohen was his usual loving self. Too bad they edited it out.
> InfoUkes Inc. Gerald William Kokodyniak
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