Re: Der spiegel author finds reason for current situation

From: Francine Ponomarenko ([email protected])
Date: Mon Mar 03 2014 - 16:51:31 EST

This needs wider circulation, but lots of people don't get it.

Also, why haven't imp. Folks from the govt gone to Crimea. Or do they worry
about a poroshenko reception.

On Monday, 3 March 2014, <[email protected]> wrote:

> Yes it turns out that was a big mistake. But the repeal has not been
> accepted by Turchynov. He didn't sign the law. So there is no real repeal
> and the old law remains functional until the new law is finalized. This was
> done at the request of the Odesa pro-Ukrainian Russophones, and explains
> the failure of the Putin takeover plan there in the last days.
> Quoting Francine Ponomarenko <[email protected]>:
>> fatalen-fehler-der-kiewer-regierung-a-956680.html
>> This is a long article in German, and I will only translate the central
>> thesis.
>> In German it reads
>> Dass es so weit gekommen ist, liegt an fatalen Fehlern der neuen Kiewer
>> Regierung und das Uk. Parlaments. Unter dem Druck rechter Stra�enk�mpfer,
>> die das Parlament in bedrohlichen Weise "bewachen" hat die werhovna Rada
>> ein Gesetz aufgehoben, das den Status der russischen Sprache im Osten und
>> S�den des Landes garantierte.
>> Not word for word, but Basically this means: that the reason things have
>> gone so far, lies in the fatal error of the new kyiv government and the
>> Ukrainian parliament. Under the pressure of the street manifestations,
>> which were watching parlament, the Verkhovna Rada repealed a law that
>> guaranteed the status of the Russian language in the east and in the south
>> of the country.
>> In other words, it is looking like the author is blaming Ukrainians for
>> this crisis, and the alteration to the language law.
>> I have to say, I have read scores of things in a similar vein. I have also
>> read twitters etc., from folks in the hot area, and it is all coming down
>> to " language" and " nationalists" in kyiv. The der spiegel article also
>> talks of nationalists in government, focusing on the seats Svoboda has in
>> govt.
>> We all know this is an old plan of Putin's....but Ukraine doesn't
>> have, like Marchuk said, good media out in the world to explain things.

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