Re: [politics] Der spiegel author finds reason for current situation

From: Michael Kulyk ([email protected])
Date: Mon Mar 03 2014 - 16:02:09 EST

i think putin would have invaded regardless of any law passed

On Mar 3, 2014, at 12:59 PM, [email protected] wrote:

> Yes it turns out that was a big mistake. But the repeal has not been accepted by Turchynov. He didn't sign the law. So there is no real repeal and the old law remains functional until the new law is finalized. This was done at the request of the Odesa pro-Ukrainian Russophones, and explains the failure of the Putin takeover plan there in the last days.
> Quoting Francine Ponomarenko <[email protected]>:
>> This is a long article in German, and I will only translate the central
>> thesis.
>> In German it reads
>> Dass es so weit gekommen ist, liegt an fatalen Fehlern der neuen Kiewer
>> Regierung und das Uk. Parlaments. Unter dem Druck rechter Stra�enk�mpfer,
>> die das Parlament in bedrohlichen Weise "bewachen" hat die werhovna Rada
>> ein Gesetz aufgehoben, das den Status der russischen Sprache im Osten und
>> S�den des Landes garantierte.
>> Not word for word, but Basically this means: that the reason things have
>> gone so far, lies in the fatal error of the new kyiv government and the
>> Ukrainian parliament. Under the pressure of the street manifestations,
>> which were watching parlament, the Verkhovna Rada repealed a law that
>> guaranteed the status of the Russian language in the east and in the south
>> of the country.
>> In other words, it is looking like the author is blaming Ukrainians for
>> this crisis, and the alteration to the language law.
>> I have to say, I have read scores of things in a similar vein. I have also
>> read twitters etc., from folks in the hot area, and it is all coming down
>> to " language" and " nationalists" in kyiv. The der spiegel article also
>> talks of nationalists in government, focusing on the seats Svoboda has in
>> govt.
>> We all know this is an old plan of Putin's....but Ukraine doesn't
>> have, like Marchuk said, good media out in the world to explain things.

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