Re: [politics] Vlad Burlutsky, the founder of Magnitsky Act Initiative

From: Pavlo Ivanchenko ([email protected])
Date: Mon Mar 03 2014 - 15:18:32 EST

Who is controlling the border and preventing these people from entering
Ukraine??? What exactly is happening there???? Expect internal mayhem and
destabilization. 1919 is repeating itself all over again.


On Mon, Mar 3, 2014 at 11:08 AM, Michael Kulyk <[email protected]>wrote:

> Vlad Burlutsky, the founder of Magnitsky Act Initiative:
> First. There is no doubt that Putin is not going to stop so he will
> continue occupating Crimea and eastern regions (now provocators from Russia
> are brought there by buses).
> He does not give a damn for all West's weakest efforts to make resolutions
> and express deep concern. However, even the European politicians have
> already mentioned aboutPutin "losing touch with reality". This makes him
> even more dangerous. Russia's military aggression in XXI century Europe is
> his new crusade, a good beginning for his plan to redraw the geographical
> borders and renew "The Kremlin Empire".
> Only strong and urgent power politics could stop these horrible plans.
> On this stage, it does not mean direct military action against Putin's
> regime.
> There are many means and solutions, repeatedly articulated.
> However, by hesitating with the first stage, Western world makes the next
> military stage more and more likely to happen.
> Second. Unfortunately, the majority in Russia supports Putin's military
> plans. The country has rolled of into the depths of Fascism, sad but true.
> Redemption and judging of historical past are the only solution. Otherwise,
> Russia's breakup after the second stage is more than evident and will bring
> "lament on rivers of Babylon".

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