Re: [politics] Donetsk paradox of "peaceful resistance"

From: Pavlo Ivanchenko ([email protected])
Date: Mon Mar 03 2014 - 12:02:21 EST

Or what Stalin did to Finland by shelling a Russian village close to the
border then blame it on the Finns. As for these Russian citizens acting
this way on Ukrainian territory only further proves that "derzhava Ukraina"
is a joke and that the local authorities are not acting to stop this. By
doing so they are being complicit. Russian citizens apparently have greater
rights on Ukrainian soil than even Ukrainian citizens themselves. And the
government in Kyiv is doing nothing yet Tymoshenko is flew to Moscow. With
such a "narod" why should the west come to Ukraine's defense if the nation
cannot even defend itself from within???

P.S. Is the Russian tri-color flag still flying over the Khakiv ODA? What
is Kernes and the local authorities going to do about it?

On Mon, Mar 3, 2014 at 7:28 AM, <[email protected]> wrote:

> perejshla-do-separatistiv-u-budivli-oda-zalishayutsya-zaruchniki/545265
> A group of Russian infiltrators (citizens of Russia) have seized power in
> central Donetsk, proclaimed their "Governor" and demand "federalization"
> (the new "Putin doctrine" for Southeast Ukraine). The police could have
> dealt with them, but did not on the excuse that interfering with
> "foreigners" from Russia would give Putin a pretext for invading "to defend
> his co-citizens"....
> Meanwhile the same plan has failed in Odesa...
> But the most worrisome development is the talk that Russia plans to kill
> some of its own soldiers in the Crimea, blame it on the "Banderites" and
> use that as an excuse to start a genuine shooting war.. An adapted leaf
> from Hitler's book when he invaded Poland in 1939.

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