Email from Alexandra Chalupa, via the Ukrainians for Obama list, sent
I just got off the phone with Rep. Marcy Kaptur - she said that she was
shocked that the story was printed the way it was and that those were not
her words. She said anyone who knows her work in support of Ukraine over
the last few decades or even the statements she's made in the past week,
would read that article and think that something does not make sense as it
is completely inconsistent with her stance. It is unclear of whether this
is a result of a poor phone connection during the interview or if she, as
one of our strongest long-term allies on the Hill, was a target of a
miss-information campaign. It could very well be the latter since she has
received word that the article has been strongly pushed in Russia.
If it is the latter, it is something we should all be aware will only get
worse, with our closest allies of Ukraine being the targets.
Rep. Kaptur is issuing a written statement and is reaching out to CNN for
an opportunity to clarify her remarks and set the record straight. Andre
Futey is helping push this messaging as he reached out to her too, he's
helping push through his many networks including those in Kyiv. It is
very important it circulates both domestically and internationally, and
that we all help.
Andy Fedynsky, thanks for connecting us.
On a side note, POTUS was the keynote speaker of the Democratic National
Committee General Session meeting on Friday evening in Washington, D.C.,
which he was late for because he was at the White House delivering remarks
on Ukraine. There was a heckler at the meeting who yelled "President
Obama, why are you trying to start a nuclear war with Russia?" The man was
escorted out by security and no one knows who he was. That conference
took place at the Capital Hilton Hotel, near the White House, and I noticed
about 6-8 Russians hanging out in the hotel lobby throughtout the two-day
conference of Dem party leaders from around the country, maybe
We can only expect the miss-information campaign to escalate as tensions
increase and need to circle the wagons and be prepared to help with any
needed rapid-response to set the records straight. Will circulate her
Ali Chalupa
On Mon, Mar 3, 2014 at 11:29 AM, Francine Ponomarenko <
[email protected]> wrote:
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