Re: [politics] Ominous development? Russian tanks near Ukraine's northern border...

From: Michael Kulyk ([email protected])
Date: Sun Mar 02 2014 - 14:22:21 EST

the only light in that scenario is that his ground war will expose the weakness of his forces and ukrainian forces in a ground war are formidable according to jane's

be careful of what putin wishes for

On Mar 2, 2014, at 10:59 AM, [email protected] wrote:

> The following apocalyptic scenario should be entertained even if low possibility right now:
> 1. Putin is a madman. Cf. the blog by Wozniak which goes part of the way:
> He is more of a Hitler than a Stalin (whose Leninist dialectic was brutal but flexible)
> 2. Putin believes in "The Russian world" and considers Ukraine a "historical aberration" (and the demise of the USSR a cosmic catastrophe)
> 3. Putin doesn't care about world opinion, doesn't care about "sanctions" "isolation" etc.. His "Russian world" is self-sufficient.
> 4. Putin has no respect for Europe ("wimps") or the USA under Obama ("pinhead")
> The real scenario could simply be the destruction of Ukraine (like Ivan III destroyed Novgorod) etc etc... "I am the greatest"...
> He thinks his nuclear arsenal will deter any serious move against him.
> He will invade massively. Nothing will deter him.
> S o get ready for big losses and dark dark days....
> Or hope that he is not now totally perverse and determined to get his "world"
> like Adolf.....

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