This should be followed. Luhansk (eastern Donbas) is the easternmost
province of Ukraine. The "Maidan" movement was weakest here, and the
local administration least affected by the anti-Yanuk revolution. But
the people are hardly pro-Russian. The mentioned Klinchaev, a
Communist, is a notorious Ukrainophobe, "famous" for having beaten up
a student at the local University who wanted to study in Ukrainian.
But even here, it seems, they had to pay the manifestants. Putin's
"rise of the oppressed Russians" is failing everywhere in the South
(Odesa, Mykolaiv, Kherson), sputtering in Donetsk and Kharkiv (despite
an "invasion" of "Ukrainians for Russia" from adjoining Russian
provinces. This BTW has been noted and videotaped, so for Luhansk it
seems (?) he had to rely on paid locals.
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