Who is still listening to this traitor Kravchuk for having given up
Ukraine's nukes? If Kravchuk is seeking schizophrenics he should start by
looking into the mirror. He, along with Kuchma and Dumpty are all traitors
and were inept as presidents. They, along with Yulka should all join Yanuk
in exile in Russia and never return.
On Sun, Mar 2, 2014 at 5:17 AM, <[email protected]> wrote:
> http://gazeta.ua/articles/politics/_putin-hoche-tretoyi-
> svitovoyi-vijni-comu-lyudi-povinni-vmirati-z-voli-
> yakogos-shizofrenika-kravchuk/545119
> He rambles a bit here and there. But he sees the Russian warmongers in
> their Parliament as (psychologically) "sick" people, and Putin as a
> "schizophrenic" threatening WWIII.
> I guess it's a question for psychiatrists rather than politicians: how
> does one deal with a schizophrenic with a nuclear arsenal?
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