Re: [politics] Canada recalling ambassador from Moscow

From: Michael Kulyk ([email protected])
Date: Sat Mar 01 2014 - 22:36:03 EST

ukr internment issue was something the feds wanted to avoid for sure

On Mar 1, 2014, at 7:30 PM, [email protected] wrote:

> Nevermind a person in our community in a leadership position
> who is appears to be in a comprimised position. Connsections
> to business ineterests in Ukraine. Not anybody on this list. :)
> I speculate there are probably people in DFAIT bureaucracy that
> may be anti-Ukrainian. Encountered such stupidity with the
> Internment issue in other departments and with respect to the
> Memorial to Victems of Communism. Cannot say how obvious and
> stupid/biased the bureaucracy was. :O It would numb your
> mind but also indicative how corrupted the Canadian bureacracy
> is by members who are either Moscophile or communist.
> The bureaucarcy needs a really good thorough purge. Did I
> mention a good sanitization?
> Unfortunately the media is protective of such idiots.
> Michael Kulyk wrote:
>> carefully worded statement - fooled2 of u
>> we will discuss harpo sale of cdn weapons to yanuuk later
>> but it is a start
>> On Mar 1, 2014, at 6:52 PM, [email protected] wrote:
>>> Okay a start -- much further than Obama and he has the 6th
>>> fleet under Obamas's control (Bush used that to stop complete
>>> conquering of Georgia in 2008) Strangely they remain where
>>> they are. Clear signal to Putin -- we are not interested
>>> in what you do. :O Obama after all these years needs Russian
>>> diplomacy 101.
>>> It is a start -- now to pressure Harper for more.
>>> Time for a pointed letter.
>>> This never would have happened under Trudeau Sr. or Chretien.
>>> With Martin it would have been a promise till after the next
>>> election. :O Chretien would say not my problem as he seems
>>> to have made a fortune representing oprresive regimes around
>>> the world since being PM. Yes a man of ethics. Right.
>>> Trudeau Jr seems to like the way totalitarian regimes work :O
>>> Will not try to assume what Mulacir likes LoL (alot depends on
>>> if it will get him elected or not).
>>> Michael Kulyk wrote:
>>>> do not think it is true
>>>> 'Canada will boycott meetings leading up to the G8 summit planned for
>>>> Sochi later this year, Harper said Saturday.'
>>>> On Mar 1, 2014, at 6:34 PM, [email protected] wrote:
>>>>> Good Move.
>>>>> Plus they have cancelled the trip to the G8 meeting in Sochi --
>>>>> one step further than Obama so far.
>>>>> Now take it one step further and expel Russia from the G8
>>>>> Expel Russia from the OSCE since they don't seem to take
>>>>> security of Europe seriously.
>>>>> Expel Russia from the NATO partnership for peace programs as
>>>>> they appear not to care about peace and/or Europe.
>>>>> Hit him where it counts -- his ego.
>>>>> GlobalMaidan wrote:
>>>>>> Canada recalling ambassador from Moscow over Russian intervention =
>> in Ukraine
>>>>>> Tweet from The Globe and Mail (@globeandmail)
>>>>>> Mar.1/2014 @ 20:00 EST
>>> InfoUkes Inc. Gerald William Kokodyniak
>>> Suite 185, 3044 Bloor Street West Webmaster InfoUkes Inc.
>>> Etobicoke, Ontario [email protected]
>>> Canada M8X 2Y8
> --
> InfoUkes Inc. Gerald William Kokodyniak
> Suite 185, 3044 Bloor Street West Webmaster InfoUkes Inc.
> Etobicoke, Ontario [email protected]
> Canada M8X 2Y8

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