i still think all out war is better as NATO will see an opportunity to invade rossia and china will not interfere and may even help NATO
On Mar 1, 2014, at 3:50 PM, [email protected] wrote:
> Yes you are correct as it would hurt the locals.
> It also would show Russia is ill prepared to help. Having
> Zhirovnosky show up with bags of cash is an unrealistic
> dream.
> Crimea is a cesspool of corruption and is a negative revenue
> region -- despite tourism potential they have made it a place
> unattractive to Ukrainian citizens and make it impossible to
> enter. It is also a region that blocks the return of Tartars
> exported to Siberia. That should change. They should be welcomed.
> They are the true successors of Crimea -- not the Russians.
> Have to remember so much of the so-called Russian support
> are the families & dependents of the Russian naval personnel.
> They don't live on base -- they live in the city. Yet they
> seem to go vote every Ukrainian election even when they are
> not Ukrainian citizens. Strict Election law is required.
> Have to remember -- Putin is a sociopath and he is coming
> for mainland Ukraine. If the invasion starts, prepare the
> infrastructure to be destroyed for supporting Crimea. Russians
> will be blamed as part of their inherent destructive behaviour.
> BTW Kuchma did turn off the water to Crimea before to keep
> the Russians in check. I don't respect Kuchma but it worked.
> Michael Kulyk wrote:
>> the population of crimea will turn against ukraine
>> putin would love it
>> time to make real war with russia
>> war would make russia weak and NATO would pounce
>> On Mar 1, 2014, at 3:00 PM, [email protected] wrote:
>>> If Ukraine wants to collapse Russian control of Crimea, do the
>>> following:
>>> [1] Cut off electric power to crimea
>>> [2] Cut off Natural Gas to Crimea
>>> [3] Cut off water to Crimea
>>> [4] block all truck supplies to Crimea
>>> Hold this embargo till Russia releases Crimea.
>>> If Russian troops took control of any of these facilities in mainland
>>> Ukraine, then destroy the facilities using attack aircraft (Su-25's or
>>> attack helicopters Mi-24D) and worry about it later.
>>> Russia cannot bring in by tanker enough water, fuel and other supplies
>>> to sustain Crimea. Let them try -- put submarines in the Kerch channel
>>> to torpedo ferries crossing over from Crimea and let loose the air force
>>> to shoot down russian transport aircraft. Also torpedo any supply ships
>>> going to sevastopil.
>>> This is harsh but Russia has invaded an independent state -- they are
>>> not nice. PERIOD.
>>> Time to play hard ball as the west will not help except ligitimize
>>> Russia's seizure of Crimea.
>>> Once again in our history Ukraine stands alone. Time to wake up and
>>> smell the coffee. Lock and Load.
> --
> InfoUkes Inc. Gerald William Kokodyniak
> Suite 185, 3044 Bloor Street West Webmaster InfoUkes Inc.
> Etobicoke, Ontario [email protected]
> Canada M8X 2Y8 http://www.infoukes.com/
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