If Western States want to take action

From: [email protected]
Date: Sat Mar 01 2014 - 17:47:34 EST

If Western Governments are truly interested in doing something:

[1] Throw Russia out of the G8

[2] Throw out Russia from the OSCE

[3] Throw out Russia from NATO's Partnership from Peace

[4] Work out deals with Canada & USA for LNG exports of gas to EU and Ukraine thus cutting off NG exports from Russia to EU -- this is what pays for their military expansionism and re-armament.

[5] Use Travel and financial sanctions to hurt Russian oligarchs & government officials

[6] Re-introduce technology export bans to Russia (it was Ukrainian engineers that made whatever technology that worked in the CCCP)

Any other ideas?

InfoUkes Inc. Gerald William Kokodyniak
Suite 185, 3044 Bloor Street West Webmaster InfoUkes Inc.
Etobicoke, Ontario [email protected]
Canada M8X 2Y8 http://www.infoukes.com/

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