My prediction is that the west will do absolutely nothing as they have in
the past. The lesson has not been lost for Iran as they continue to build
their reactor and thus come closer to building their future nuclear
arsenal. I think they have learned from Ukraine's mistakes; Ukraine
unfortunately has not learned its own to this day. Putin will continue in
Crimea unopposed by anybody. Time to get ready to set off the pipelines
when the moment arrives. I fear that the nation is ready for another
re-enslavement and the Ukrainian people are the only ones who can stop it.
On Sat, Mar 1, 2014 at 4:05 AM, <[email protected]> wrote:
> Just an observation here, in this time period there is pressure
> on North Korea & Iran to give up nukes. With that comes some
> negotiated treaty deals giving some sort of guarantees.
> Ukraine sets the precidence that the treaties signed to give
> up nuclear weapons are not worth the paper used to sign the
> treaties. Ukraine gave up their nuclear weapons in 1994 with
> security guarantees and terriotorial integrity guarantees.
> Russia was a signatory of the "Budapest Memorandum on Security
> Assurances" (1994) and it is extremely apparent they broke that
> agreement by seizing Crimea through the use of military force
> thus compromising the security & territorial integrity of
> Ukraine.
> UK & USA were also signatories of this agreement. They were
> obligated to ensure Ukraine's security & territorial integrity,
> so far Britain has been pretty quiet and USA has huffed and
> puffed but no real action.
> It solidifies the concept that such agreements mean absolutely
> nothing and that the only really true guarantor of security is
> a fully loaded nuclear arsenal. That is the wrong signal to
> send out.
> It may be time for Ukraine to start considering starting up
> some centrifuges.
> The signal sent by these signatories to the Budapest Memorandum
> that any agreements signed with other Nuclear or emerging Nuclear
> Powers is these agreements to rid oneself of nuclear arms are
> worthless & meaningless. That is the wrong signal to send
> considering the USA and Russia are in negotiations with Iran
> at present on stopping the move to building a nuclear arsenal.
> By abandoning Ukraine and the seizing of it's territory strongly
> suggests to Iran to stop wasting it's time negotiating and that
> they should be accelerating their efforts to building a nuclear
> arsenal. Is this the signal the superpowers want to send at this
> time? Really?
> It is time the USA & UK step up to the plate and do more than
> huff & puff. Putin is a sociopath with delusions of grandeur who
> wants to create a 3rd Russian Reich and needs to be stopped and
> forced out of Crimea.
> InfoUkes Inc. Gerald William Kokodyniak
> Suite 185, 3044 Bloor Street West Webmaster InfoUkes Inc.
> Etobicoke, Ontario [email protected]
> Canada M8X 2Y8
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