Re: [politics] chronology

From: [email protected]
Date: Sat Mar 01 2014 - 06:23:11 EST

I had a bad feeling about when Yanukovych declared an Anti-Terror
operation back circa February 19th/20th.

With such declarations opens the door to potential foreign
intervention viz a viz treaty obligations. Some of the
secret protocols between Yanukovych & Putin may have included
ability to cross the border under "anti-terror operations"
in support of the neighbouring government. Add in the insane
statement from Yanukovych yesterday that he is still President
may have provided an open door to the Russians, aka a legal

Canada & USA have similar military cooperation agreements for
anti-terror operations, signed after 9/11 allowing for operation
of Canadian trrops on American soil and American trrops on
Canadian soil under specific declared conditions.

Why I mention that, in the article quoted below, look at 8:37 AM
heading it quotes

    But it said it had stepped up measures by its "anti-terror
    units" to protect areas where parts of the fleet were located
    in Crimea and the living quarters of service personnel and
    families "given the unstable situation"

BTW, the "unidentified soldiers" are the 810th Russian marine brigade
based in Sevastopil.

Anubis wrote:

InfoUkes Inc.                             Gerald William Kokodyniak
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Etobicoke, Ontario                            [email protected]
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