once KGB always KGB - putin
> It was that Putin wanted Yanukovych to "dip his hands in blood".
On 2014-01-31, at 2:09 PM, [email protected] wrote:
> It would explain alot if true.
> This was the guy who was the first to leak warnings about the deal between Yanukovych & Putin days before the two leaders met on December 17th and he was bang on with respect to every point. In my eyes he has credibility.
> The QUOTE :
> It was that Putin wanted Yanukovych to "dip his hands in blood".
> says alot about the sociopathic tendicies of Putin.
> Ukraine scenarios and Central Europe
> http://www.cepolicy.org/publications/ukraine-scenarios-and-central-europe
> By Edward Lucas
> 23. Jan 2014 | Eastern Partnership | Ukraine | Opinions
> Central European Policy Institute
> [.....]
> A few weeks ago I was told by a top European policymaker that Yanukovych had done a deal with Putin. The elements were cheap gas, soft loans, and an agreement to join the Eurasian Union. I confirmed this with another source and tweeted it -- attracting a storm of incredulous criticism for my supposed irresponsibility. The gas and loans turned out to be true. The promise to join the Eurasian Union by 2015 looks more likely by the day. But there was one more element to the deal which I could confirm with only one source, and did not reveal. It was that Putin wanted Yanukovych to "dip his hands in blood". Only by forcing an irreversible breach with Europe and America could the Kremlin be sure that its Ukrainian satrap would behave.
> At the time, I thought that would be unlikely. Yanukovych did not need to use force against the demonstrators. They clearly lacked the critical mass to block his policy, let alone to overturn his rule. Their numbers are too small, and their geographical focus too narrow. Western observers have been surprisingly unconcerned by the presence of the Freedom (Svaboda) party in the opposition's ranks. But to many Ukrainians, the stench of right-wing extremism taints the whole opposition. The opposition demonstrators have not achieved the reach of the "Orange" camp in the east of the country during the revolution of 2004-5. They needed to exceed it to have a chance of winning.
> [.....]
> InfoUkes Inc. Gerald William Kokodyniak
> Suite 185, 3044 Bloor Street West Webmaster InfoUkes Inc.
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