Re: [politics] Kerry's phone call

From: Bohdan Wynnyckyj ([email protected])
Date: Fri Jan 31 2014 - 11:20:07 EST

A justice commission? What good will that do if we all know very well that
it is Yanukovych and his administration that is behind all these human
rights violations. All roads lead to Mezhyhiria, and just like with
automaidan, Yanucescu has no intention of letting anyone travel down that
road. What would help though, is some solid evidence that could be
presented internationally showing, without a doubt, Russian special forces
carrying out these assaults. Right now we have lots of circumstantial
evidence, but nothing that cannot be brushed off with some sort of fake

On Fri, Jan 31, 2014 at 10:50 AM, Anubis <[email protected]> wrote:

> Statement by U.S. Department of State Spokeswoman Jen Psaki Regarding
> Secretary of State Kerry's Phone Call with Ukrainian Opposition Leaders
> January 30, 2014
> January 31, 2014
> This morning, Secretary Kerry spoke by phone with political and civil
> society leaders in the Ukrainian opposition who have been active in the
> peaceful movement. The Secretary underscored the United States unwavering
> support for the democratic, European aspirations of the Ukrainian people,
> and commended these opposition leaders for speaking out against violence
> and for their courageous work to defend democracy and advance their goals
> through peaceful means and dialogue.
> He praised the progress achieved in their talks with the government,
> notably the repeal of the January 16th laws and the commitment to
> government change. He urged that these talks continue and pledged continued
> U.S. support in coordination with the EU, the UN, the OSCE for a peaceful,
> political resolution to the political crisis which brings those responsible
> to account, restores human rights, democracy, economic health, and a path
> to Europe for Ukraine. The Secretary also underlined his concerns about
> reports of human rights violations, such as disappearances and killings,
> and stressed that the United States is pressing the Government of Ukraine
> to establish a justice commission to investigate these crimes and bring
> those responsible to justice.

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