It seems to me that part of the answer about Tyahnybok's attitude is in this:
"Ми її як таку не підтримуємо, ми є проти парламентсько-президентської форми правління в державі, оскільки за нашим варіантом конституції Свободи ми виступаємо за президентську форму правління", - сказав Тягнибок.
Tiahnybok wants to be a president with strong powers - vozhd pryntsyp!
On 1/28/14, [email protected] wrote:
> Really bad news here: if true... Cf.
> Turchynov has already been castigated as a traitor for suggesting exactly what Tyahnybok is saying here: the creation of a "commission" to study a new Constitution...
> A quick return to the 2004 constitution would give the opposition power to do practically everything necessary.
> So who is this Tyahnybok working for? Are the old rumours about his ties to the Russian FSB plausible?
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