Re: Remember Abu Ghraib? - Mykhaylo the Unbroken Kozak

From: Stefan Lemieszewski ([email protected])
Date: Sun Jan 26 2014 - 21:46:33 EST

In such situations, the whole Berkyt group is guilty. As trained professionals they have a responsibility of not only upholding the law but coming to the aid of victims they see being abused. They can’t just stand and watch and do nothing. And of course the commanding officers up the chain of command also bear responsibility. Even in the American case Dick Cheney offered his resignation in recognition of his failed responsibility.

Stefan Lemieszewski

From: Anubis
Sent: Sunday, January 26, 2014 2:07 PM
To: politics
Subject: Re: [politics] Remember Abu Ghraib?

On 1/24/2014 2:41 PM, Anubis wrote:

  On 1/24/2014 11:26 AM, Anubis wrote:

    "Post of the journalist Oksana Denysova in Facebook
    Mykhailo Gavrylyuk: “They threw me to the ground, put their legs on my head and made pictures. Then some of them suggested cutting my forelock. The held my head and cut by forelock with the knife, piece by piece. When they were bored with beating me, they took me to the militia station. During our way there I lost consciousness several time. Then I was taken to the hospital. Then the veterans of the war of Afghanistan released me, then the guy from the AutoMaidan took me away.”

    More information on Mykhailo below.

    "Mykhailo, the man that was undressed and brutally beaten, has been released from the Berkut, maybe because the video of this torture had gotten such wide coverage," - said Maidan's commander Andriy Parubiy on a briefing just now.
    Mykhailo was a participant of a self-defence sotnia (squadron) on Maidan. He was tortured, not only physically, but morally by the Berkut troopers (they took photos of him naked in -10 degress, cut off his Cossack hairdo)."

    On 1/23/2014 10:55 AM, Anubis wrote:

      From Euromaidanpr:

      ""Mykhailo, the man that was undressed and brutally beaten, has been released from the Berkut, maybe because the video of this torture had gotten such wide coverage," - said Maidan's commander Andriy Parubiy on a briefing just now.

      Mykhailo was a participant of a self-defence sotnia (squadron) on Maidan. He was tortured, not only physically, but morally by the Berkut troopers (they took photos of him naked in -10 degress, cut off his Cossack hairdo).

      Now he is in a safe place at Maidan ad receiving medical assistance."
      On 1/23/2014 10:46 AM, Anubis wrote:

        ЄвроМайдан – EuroMaydan
        Чоловіка, що був на шокуючому відео, звати Гаврилюк Михайло. Він з "Самооборони".
        Подальша доля його поки що невідома. Якщо у вас є інформація, де він може знаходитися - повідомляйте.

        On 1/23/2014 10:38 AM, Anubis wrote:

          This is video equivalent:

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