Re: [politics] A sense of unreality

From: Michael Kulyk ([email protected])
Date: Wed Jan 22 2014 - 18:04:50 EST

big differnce is that nobody died during the orange revolution

already 5 dead by berkut and the russians

On 2014-01-22, at 3:00 PM, [email protected] wrote:

> Watching and pondering the events of the last two months, and especially of the last few days, I have these thoughts:
> Only the people have changed. The population which has been active since November 21 are not behaving "as expected". That is why we have Maidan, the basic popular Maidan.
> The powers that be have not changed at all. They are manoeuvering, but they have not abandoned anything, and one result of the events has simply been to accelerate what they were heading towards: Yanuk the Great Khan and absolute ruler.
> But I see little if any change in the "opposition". All I see is an attempt to "control" and "ride the crest" of popular discontent to achieve their old goals. That goes for all three. Since Yatseniuk bla blas the most he is the one who can be caught out in lies and contradictions the most. Klychko is a distant second, but catching up. Tyahnybok hasn't said much (and done even less).
> A frustrated, unhappy, and active population, with no real leadership overall. Nowhere in sight. Lots of room for provocateurs of course. And as usual it's the people who are starting to pay the price and esp. those elements which are seen as more talented and as potential leaders, real leaders, whose policies might be very close to the fundamental system change the people want.
> Some local leaders (e.g. Sadovyj) might be OK (or not).
> Well, let's see how the trio does tomorrow...So far seven dead...

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