yanukovych is a sociopath?

From: [email protected]
Date: Wed Jan 22 2014 - 09:07:08 EST

I watched an interview on Monday on Hromadske TV where Taras Chornovil
says that Yanukovych appears to be suffering from mental illness and
has become increasingly paranoid and more isolated.

It got me thinking.

I would say Yanukovych is potentially a sociopath. He has no empathy,
he has no remorse, he is only concerned with his own power & collection
of wealth. He does not care what anybody thinks of him and uses violence
to maintain his comfort. He openly lied to the Ukrainian public &
Europe over the EU AA and he did it with no remorse.

He constantly says one thing and then does the complete opposite.

In my graduate school days I was exposed to a sociopathic professor
and was able to identify such an individual because of the following
books which the first book came out at that time:

   * Without Conscience: The Disturbing World of the Psychopaths Among Us (1993, reissued 1999) ISBN 978-0671732615

   * Snakes in Suits: When Psychopaths Go to Work (2006), with Paul Babiak ISBN 978-0060837723

The premise of the thesis of these books is that one in 10 people
is a sociopath, in corporations they are known as Alpha type
personalities. The authors of the above books refer to them as
white-collar psychopaths. They have all the same characteristics
as mass murderers but just may not actually go that extra step and
kill people themselves.

How do you know if an individual is a psychopath? Here are just some
of the tell tale signs

 - They are manipulative
 - They lack specific goals
 - They have superficial relations with people
 - They are impulsive
 - They are irresponsible
 - They crave power and prestige
 - They lack empathy
 - They lack remorse
 - They lie easily
 - They have predatory instincts
 - They are cool under pressure
 - They seek excitement and thrills
 - They take credit for the work of others
 - They fly into rages

So does Yanukovych fit this profile?

I suspect he does.

InfoUkes Inc. Gerald William Kokodyniak
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