I wish we knew more about who is pulling these guys' strings...
Tyahnybok has the most difficult situation. His constituency is hugely
in favour of confrontation. All I have from him (but maybe I missed
something) is a strong declaration that the laws of 16 January are to
be ignored. He's sniffing the wind.== Klychko is girouetting. He still
seems focused on his 2015 Presidential campaign (yesterday he said
"we'll have enough energy to make it until then), and thinks he can
"discuss" with Yanukovych.. This morning he left in a huff because the
Khan would not see him. If this keeps up, and in spite of his personal
bravery, I think he'll just fade. But who is instructing him? Some
consortium of oligarchs, or "Western" (German?) advisers?? Yatseniuk
has lost a lot of credibility, but he could rebound with this Narodna
Rada. Everything continues to be up in the air. Very strange
situation: nobody seems to know quite what to do. So, next stop: 22
Quoting Serbyn Roman <[email protected]>:
> Yatseniu quoted as saying:
> Він знову закликав Януковича сісти за стіл переговорів і "вирішити
> це, або, за інших обставин, буде розвиватись зовсім інший сценарій".
> And what has to be solved is "політичну кризу".
> And just a day before Yatseniuk said he would not go to have coffee
> with Yanuk.
> What about Klychko & Tiahnybok? So far, all three have acted like
> the fabled swan, crab and pike.
> On 1/21/14, [email protected] wrote:
>> Unless it's more "vodychkovyj blabla vid Krolyka"...
>> cf. http://www.pravda.com.ua/news/2014/01/21/7010472/
>> The hopeful meaning: Maidan will legitimize a Popular Parliament,
>> constituted of elected representatives of the opposition parties,
>> "majoritarian" allies and defecting Regionals who have not yet lost
>> their marbles... And on that basis a new government. And a return
>> to the limited Presidency Yanuk-Khan illegally subverted.
>> Any bets?
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