Re: [politics] Revolution Ukrainian style

From: Francine Ponomarenko ([email protected])
Date: Sun Jan 19 2014 - 09:15:32 EST

Some worrisome things on Hrushevskoho, klitschko came there, who is letting
out smoke bombs

On Sunday, 19 January 2014, <[email protected]> wrote:

> Well it looks as though we're in for some chaotic and unpredictable
> times...
> The opposition rejected the notion of having a "leader of the process" and
> proclaimed, through the lips of the Rabbit, that "the leader is the
> Ukrainian people". Which means anybody at any time for practically anything
> (well as long as it's not "provoking"..)
> So it looks like right now the leadership is in the Avtomajdan headed
> towards the Rada building.
> Meanwhile one still has to figure out what is meant by the "Popular
> Assembly' etc... (all the rest of the Rabbit memorandum).
> At least Tyahnybok said something concrete and understandable: the
> so-called "laws" passed by the ex-Rada(ex? sounds a bit like it but who
> knows) are illegitimate and should be sabotaged (= disobeyed).
> So here we go....

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