Lyovochkin resigns over draconian anti-democratic laws; others expected to quit soon

From: [email protected]
Date: Fri Jan 17 2014 - 14:41:51 EST

It seems Dear Leader allowed him to resign this time.

Lyovochkin resigns over draconian anti-democratic laws; others expected to quit soon
Jan. 17, 2014, 8:27 p.m. | Politics -- by Katya Gorchinskaya

This time, it's for real.

Serhiy Lyovochkin, the longtime chief of state for President Viktor Yanukovych, has resigned and -- unlike his previous attempt to quit on Nov. 30 -- this time the president has let him depart.

Lyovochkin refused comment on his departure.

But sources say that he left because of the draconian, anti-democratic laws passed on Jan. 16 by parliament that criminalize slander and impose other heavy restrictions on freedom of speech, curtail rights to peaceful assembly and more tightly regulate the activities of nongovernmental organizations. Yanukovych reportedly has signed all measures into law.


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