Re: [politics] Bandit Government Moving Fast

From: Serbyn Roman ([email protected])
Date: Thu Jan 16 2014 - 11:45:11 EST

"Oles' Donij (who played the role of "Zakharchenko (?) or someone like him in the great Majdan vertep a few days ago) actually voted for it!! Because it included the 30 million hryvn. he had asked for to help his Kolomyja people improve their infrastructure...Which positive vote won't stop his anti-Yanuk activism in the least..."

Could you give references to the voting which showed Donij's voting for the budget and the repressive measures. Thanks


On 1/16/14, [email protected] wrote:
> There's also a whole bunch of other "laws" adopted by the Rada clowns (but not yet signed by Rybak altho there is little doubt they will be). These "laws" weren't even adopted in the proper manner (as Ukraine's "constitution" continues to unravel) so he needs to get people to sign up to get the "correct" number (226).
> And this was done as a result of the Bandit in Chief's command two days ago. The chaos is just spreading and spreading... One wonders at what point "quantity will turn into quality" and the state of nature civil war will blossom forth in full "splendour" the so-called "Derzhava Ukrajina"...One of the interesting details of the "Budget vote", very characteristic of the exploding marasm is that a very patriotic nardep, Oles' Donij (who played the role of "Zakharchenko (?) or someone like him in the great Majdan vertep a few days ago) actually voted for it!! Because it included the 30 million hryvn. he had asked for to help his Kolomyja people improve their infrastructure...Which positive vote won't stop his anti-Yanuk activism in the least...I somehow get the feeling that all this craziness can't last very much longer. And BTW the Bandit in Chief, Yanuk=Khan is not going to Davos.
> Quoting Serbyn Roman <[email protected]>:
> >There is no slide towards Belarus. As one analyst recently pointed out in an online interview, Batska Lukashenka, treats his realm like a farm and his subjects like farm animals. But like a good farmer who knows farm animals and who realizes that he needs them, he tries to take care of them. The two presidents' background have an influence on their present behaviour: one was a farm chairman, the other a common criminal. This background also separates Yanuk from Putin. Putin was a disciplined KGB agent, Yanukovich just a common criminal...
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >On 1/16/14, Bohdan Wynnyckyj <[email protected]> wrote:
> >>If you are just waking up, the Regionnaires have been very busy ramming through all sorts of draconian stuff today, including amnesty for Berkut actions, and this Russian inspired law that declares all NGOs who receive funding outside the country to be "agents:"
> >>
> >>
> >>
> >> The slide towards Belarus is proceeding at lighting speed.
> >>
> >>
> >

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