There are about 200 books on Chornobyl in many languages of the world plus many more reports. This bibliography lists only a few of the English language monographs and some of the articles and reports which are among the most significant or interesting. - Andrew Gregorovich.
Dobczansky, Jurij. Chernobyl and its Aftermath: A Selected Bibliography. Edmonton: Canadian Institute of Ukrainian Studies, Univeristy of Alberta, 1988. 17 p.
Library of Congress Subject Catalog. Washington, D.C. 1986-. See entries under subject heading 'Chernobyl Nuclear Accident, Chernoby;,' Ukraine, 1986."
PAIS International in Print, 1986-96. New York: Public Affairs Information Service, 1986-. See entries under "Atomic Power Plants - Accidents."
Readers' Guide to Periodical Literature. 1986-96. New York: H.W. Wilson, 1987. See entries under "Chernobyl (Ukraine)" and "Chernobyl Nuclear Disaster, 1986."
Subject Guide to Books in Print 1995-96. New Providence, N.J.: R.R. Bowker. See 36 titles listed under "Chernobyl Nuclear Accident, Chernobyl, Ukraine, 1986."
Information is also available about Chornobyl/Chernobyl on Internet.
Cheney, Glenn Alan. Journey to Chernobyl: Encounters in a Radioactive Zone. Chicago: Academy Chicago Publishers, 1995. 191 p. illus. A chatty, popular account of a trip to Ukraine and Chornobyl.
Chemousenko, V.M. Chernobyl: lnsight From the Inside. Berlin-London-New York: Springer-Veriag, 1991. 367 p. illus., maps. Dr. Chemousenko of the Institute for Theoretical Physics of the Ukrainian Academy of Sciences is a major authority on the Chornobyl accident. This well illustrated volume is one of the better accounts on all aspects of the disaster but recent research by Dr. Sich shows that some of the statistics may not be reliable.
Gubaryev, Vladimir. Sarcophagus: A Tragedy. New York: Vintage Books, 1987. 106 p. A play by the science editor of Pravda set in a hospital clinic after the Chornobyl disaster.
Haynes, Viktor & Marko Bojoun. The Chernobyl Disaster. London: Hogarth, 1988. 233 p. illus., maps.
The lnternational Chernobyl Project: An Overview Report, by an International Advisory Committee. Vienna: IAEA [International Atomic Energy Assciation], 1991. 57 p. maps.
International Nuclear Safety Advisory Group. Summary Report on the Post-Accident Review Meeting of the Chernobyl Accident. Vienna: IAEA, 1986, 106 p. illus., map.
Marples, David R. Chernobyl & Nuclear Power in the USSR. Edmonton: Canadian Institute of Ukrainian Studies, University of Alberta: London: Macmillan Press, 1986. 228 p. Prof. Marples of the University of Alberta is an authority on the Chornobyl accident and this was the first detailed report on the accident and its consequences.
Marples, David R. The Social Impact of the Chernobyl Disaster. Edmonton: University of Alberta Press, 1988. 313 p. illus., maps. A detailed examination of the aftermath of the world's worst nuclear accident.
Marples, David R. Ukraine Under Perestroika: Ecology, Economics and the Workers' Revolt. New York: St. Martin's Press, 1991. 243 p. illus. Prof. Marples highlights the environmental problems arising from the ecological damage created by Chornobyl. The beginning of the rise of the political movement (which ended in Ukraine's declaration of independence on August 24, 1991 ) is included but the book was published before independence and does not include it.
Medvedev, Grigori. The Truth About Chernobyl. New York: Basic Books, HarperCollins, 1991. 274 p. Medvedev was a deputy chief engineer at Chornobyl in 1970 and tells how and why it became a nightmare for the world.
Medvedev, Zhores. The Legacy of Chernobyl. New York: W W. Norton, 1990, 1992. 352 p. illus. This is a comprehensive analysis of the causes and long-term global effects of the catastrophe by a scientist at the National Institute for medical Research in London.
Nibak, Vasil. Chernobyl: truth and inventions. Kiev: Politvidav Ukraini Publishers, 1987. 46 p. illus.
Mould, Richard F. The History of the World's Worst Civil Nuclear Disaster and its Aftermath. New York: Pergamon, 1988. 256 p. illus. bibliog.
Mould, Richard F. Chernobyl: The Real Story. New York: Pergamon, 1988.
Nuclear Energy Agency. Chernobyl and the Safety of Nuclear Reactors in OECD Countries: Report. Paris: Nuclear Energy Agency, Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development, 1986[?] 96 p. illus.
Pohl, Frederik. Chernobyl: A Novel. Toronto-New York: Bantam Books, 1987. 355 p. This is a "work of fiction based on fact."
Read, Piers Paul. Ablaze: The Story of Chernobyl. London: Secker & Warburg, 1993. 478 p. illus., maps. An English novelist chronicles the disaster and its aftermath from interviews with the main participants.
Savchenko, V.K. The Ecology of the Chernobyl Catastrophe: Scientific Outlines of an International Programme of Collaborative Research. Paris: UNESCO; New York: Parthenon Publishing Group, 1995. 200 p. illus. The author is a geneticist at the Belarus Academy of Sciences and provides a very useful basic survey with emphasis on Belarus.
Schcherbak, Iurii. Chernobyl: A Documentary Story. Edmonton: Canadian Institute of Ukrainian Studies, University of Alberta, 1989. 168 p. Yuri Schcherbak is a doctor and writer who headed an Ecological Commission in Ukraine. Soon after the Chernobyl disaster he went to the site to interview eyewitness participants and wrote an award-winning report. Today His Excellency Yuri Schcherbak is the Ambassador of Ukraine to the United States in Washington, D.C.
Yaroshinskaya, Alla. Chernobyl: The Forbidden Truth. Lincoln, Neb.: University of Nebraska Press, 1995. 13S p. Yaroshinska was an investigative journalist in Zhitomir, Ukraine, whose family was affected by Chornobyl's accident. She wrote this frank account after she was elected to parliament in Moscow and became a member of President Yeltsin's Council.
Bertell, Rosalie. Chernobyl. Environmental Awareness (International Society of Naturalists), vol. 16, no. 2, 1993, p. 49-55. Dr. Bertill is head of the International Institute of Concern for Public Health in Toronto and an expert since 1963 on radiation illness.
Bohatiuk, Yuri. The Chornobyl Disaster. Ukrainian Quarterly, vol. 42 no. 1-2, Spring-Summer 1986, p. 5-21. One of the first articles in English describes the Soviet attempt to cover it up.
Chernobyl 'By Far' The Worst Nuclear Accident. Montreal: Ukrainian Canadian Committee [1986] 42 leaves illus.
The Chornobyl Commission Report, April 1987. Toronto: Chornobyl Comissions of the World Congress of Free Ukrainians and the Ukrainian Canadian Committee, 1987. 36 p. illus. Contributors: J.A. Dankowych, 0. Danylak, B. Jaciw, B. Lychacz, D.R. Marples, O.A. Trojan.
Chornobyl Committee, London. Chornobyl Report. Ukrainian Review, Summer 1991, p. 3-22. A good, concise account.
Cichowlas, W.M. Chernobyl: An Overview of the Accident - 10 Years Later. Manuscript. 2p. Cichowlas is an engineer at the Pickering Nuclear Power Plant and was a member of the Canadian review team for Chornobyl in 1986-87.
Cobb, Charles E., Jr., Living With Radiation. National Geographic April 1989, p. 403-437, col. illus. Includes Chornobyl: p. 416-17, 423, 426-8.
Edwards, Mike. Chernobyl - One Year After. Photos by Steve Raymer. National Geographic vol. 171, no. 5, May 1987, p. 632-653, col. illus. A very well illustrated article on Chornobyl summarizing the event and the first year after the accident.
Edwards, Mike. Living With the Monster: Chornobyl. Photos by Gerd Ludwig. National Geographic, August 1994, p. 100-115. Assistant Editor Mike Edwards provides an interesting update to his early article on Chornobyl.
Elliott, Lawrence. Deadly Wings: One Year After Chernobyl. Reader's Digest, May 1987, P. 129-33.
Encyclopaedia Britannica Micropedia, The New. Chernobyl Accident, vol. 3 p. 171.
Encyclopaedia Britannica 1987 Book of the Year. Chernobyl: p. 204-05, map.
Gorbachev, Mikhail. The Chernobyl Accident. Vital Speeches of the Day, June 15, 1986. p. 514-17. [Television address on May 14.]
Greenwald, John. Deadly Meltdown. Time, May 12, 1986 p.38-, illus.
Gregorovich, Andrew. Chornobyl: History's Worst Nuclear Disaster, A Tragedy for Ukraine and the World. Forum: Ukrainian Review (440 Wyoming Ave., Scranton, PA 18503) No. 67, Fall 1986. p. 6-8 illus., maps.
Gwynne, Peter. The Chernobyl Accident. Collier's Encyclopedia 1987 Year Book Covering the Year 1986. p. S24-527, illus., map.
Hodiak, Bohdan. Chornobyl: Five Years After. The Legacy of the world's worst nuclear catastrophe. Ukrainian Weekly (Jersey City, N.J.), April 28, 1991. p, 8-9, illus. Reprinted from the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette.
Hohenemser, C. & 0. Renn. Chernobyl's Other Legacy. Environment 30, 1988, p. 5-11.
Huda, Walter. Medical Consequences of Chernobyl. Journal of Ukrainian Studies, vol. 11 no. 1, Summer 1986, p. 35,52. bibliog.
Hunt, Liz. Chernobyl Link to Cancer Cluster on Scottish Island. Independent on Sunday (London, Eng.) 31 March 1996, p. 1, 5 illus.
Ilyushin, Dmitro. The Zone. Photos by Igor Kostin and Yuri Buslenko. Ukraine (Kiev), no. 11, 1989 p. 18-19, illus.
Marples, David. Chernobyl: A Six Month Review. Journal of Ukrainian Studies, vol. 11 no. 1 Summer 1986, p 3-19.
Marples, David. Chernobyl and Ukraine. Problems of Communism, vol. 35 no. 6, Nov.-Dec. 1986, p. 17-27.
New York Times, April 26, 1996. Chernobyl Reconsidered.
Oleksyn, Ivan. A Visit to Chornobyl. Forum (Scranton, Pa.) no. 83, Summer 1991, p. 3-6, illus.
Palij, Michael & William C. Fletcher. Chornobyl: An Etymology. Ukrainian Quarterly, vol. 42 Spring-Summer 1986, p. 22-24.
Ramberg, B. Learning from Chernobyl. Foreign Affairs, vol. 65 no. 2, 1986, p. 304-328.
Rubin, D. How the News Media Reported on Three Mile Island and Chernobyl, Journal of Communication, 1987 p. 42-47.
Segerstahl, Boris, ed. Chernobyl: A Policy Response Study. Berlin: Springer-Verlag, 1991. 180 p. A study by 8 scientists of Europe's response to Chornobyl and its effect on Agriculture, Trade, Internation Response, Perceptiom, Crisis Management and the Credibility Crisis.
Shcherbak, Yuri M. Ten Years of the Chornobyl Era: The environmental and health effects of nuclear power's greatest calamity will last for generations. Scientific American, April 1996, p. 44-49, illus. An excellent article by the Ukrainian ambassador to the U.S.A.
Solchanyk, Roman. Chernobyl: The Political Fallout in Ukraine. Journal of Ukrainian Studies, vol. 11 no. 1, Summer 1986, p. 20-34.
Soviet Nationality Survey, vol. 3 no. 4/5, April-May 1986. Special issue on Chernobyl p. 1-16.
Toronto Star Focus, Thursday, April 21, 1994. p. H1-H16, illus. map. Features "Children of Chornobyl Eight Years Later," "Puzzling questions in Chornobyl's wake" and other articles on Chornobyl.
Trafford, Abigail & Stanley Wellborn. Stark Fallout from Chernobyl, U.S. News and World Report, May 12, 1986, p. 18-25.
Ukrainian Woman in the World 1995 no. 22. Official Publication of World Federation of Ukrainian Women's Organizations (278 Bathurst St., Toronto, Ont. M5T 2S3, Tel: (416) 366-4299. Fax: 366-3189. Includes: "The Health of Women and Children After Chornobyl," by Prof. Zoreslawa Nizhnik (Kiev.Kyiv (044) 213-6271); "Environmental Catastrophe, Its Effects on the Environment and Nuclear Waste," by lryna Kurowycka, and "Summary of Community Assistance in the Aftermath of the Chornobyl Disaster," by Anna Krawchuk.
Ward, Olivia. The Chernobyl Syndrome. Disaster's legacy: Agony and secrecy. Toronto Star, Saturday, April 13, 1996. p. B1-B.
York, Geoffrey. Chernobyl Disaster Claims 2nd Generation. Globe and Mail (Toronto) April 8,1996. p. A1, A8.
York, Geoffrey. Chernobyl Staff Singing Death Planes Praises. Globe & Mail, April 4, 1996 p. A20, illus., map.
Zelenko, Constantine. The Chornobyl Nuclear Disaster (An East European View). London, Eng.: European Liaison Group, 1986. 20 p. Includes a section "The Ukrainian Aspect of Chornobyl."