Bandura - Victor Mishalow

Bandura Magic

A number of years have passed since Victor Mishalow's last solo recording. Since then, many changes have taken place in the music world. This recording aims to capture new and different aspects of the bandura. Novel techniques are exploited, and different types of banduras are used. Melodically, although most of the material is based on traditional Ukrainian sources from the old Kobzar repertoire, some selections transcend into the modern. There is reference to current trends in world music, as well as new age, pop and even show tunes.

  1. Crimean Fantasy (crimfant.ra, 1.3M)
  2. Metelytsia (metelyts.ra, 830K)
  3. Yes, My Darling Daughter (yesdaugh.ra, 1.1M)
  4. The Lonely Shepherd (loneshep.ra, 1.1M)
  5. Bachelor's Dance (pardance.ra, 760K)
  6. Echo of the Steppes (echostep.ra, 890K)
  7. Hayduk (hayduk.ra, 1.0M)
  8. Canon in D (canonind.ra, 1.0M)
  9. Kokhanochka (kokhano.ra, 1.2M)
  10. End of Pontkallek (endofpon.ra, 1.0M)
  11. Hopak (hopak.ra, 710K)
  12. Ornament (ornament.ra, 580K)

The CD is available for purchase from Yevhsan. All samples are in RealAudio(R) 5.0 format.

Download the free RealPlayer 5.0 here.

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Icon Ukrainian Music Library
Icon InfoUkes Home Page

Document Information

Document URL:

Copyright © 1997 Victor Mishalow
E-mail: [email protected]

Copyright © 1998 InfoUkes Inc.
E-mail: [email protected]

since Feb 16, 1998
InfoUkes Inc.
Suite 185, 3044 Bloor Street West
Etobicoke, Ontario, Canada M8X 2Y8
Tel: (416) 236-4865 Fax: (416) 766-5704

Originally Composed: Monday, February 16th, 1998
Date last modified: Monday, February 16th, 1998